The modern search engine for community resources.
As a 211...
use our search engine to make your resource data easily searchable online, and generate revenue from making your database shareable with community partners.
For others wanting to provide a custom resource directory for their consumers...
you can rapidly launch your own search engine, including your brand and customized resources using 211’s vast curated resource data as the source.
You don't need an in-house developer to make this work. Our affordable service includes all setup, connecting data, and ongoing maintenance.
Take a quick tour.
See our search app in action in this 3 minute video.
Why use Connect 211.

Full Search,
Fast Setup
You community resource data is unique, but the best way to find answers is remarkably similar in all cases.
By following best practices for searching, we deliver a great experience for your users, and super quick setup time.
Don't wait any longer for a web based search tool.
You can have it now.
Your best interest at heart.
We decided to make our software open source to crowd-source future development, and also to prevent you getting stuck with one service provider.
We also use and support open standards for data and communication tools (like HSDS) so that you can be interoperable with as many community partners as possible.

Read the latest news.

We are long overdue for an update. The full version will come shortly; we have…

It’s been a few months since we posted an update. 2 out of 4 of…
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